Rubber Suction Hose
May 5, 2020
PVC Suction Hose
May 5, 2020
Ali EnterpriseĀ Presents PVC Duct pipes a rigid PVC spiral reinforcement fused to the soft walls which makes it very flexible, lightweight & easy to use and install. It has smooth inner walls and is maintenance-free and proves cost-effective in the ng term. PVC hoseĀ is perhaps one of the most versatile types ofĀ ducting on the market. PVCĀ FlexibleĀ duct hose is used in Textile machinery, wood industry, and other engineering industries.
PVC Duct Pipes are an appropriate choice for blowing air & gases in varied applications like cold & warm air installations, ventilation & heating systems.
It can be used as an exhaust system for unwanted fumes from factories and underground installations.
Duct pipes can be used for dust collection in domestic vacuum cleaning types of equipment. STRUCTURE OurĀ Duct hoseĀ has a specially compounded rigidĀ PVCĀ reinforcement which is helically wound and inseparably fused to the soft inner walls.
Extensively used in carding machines, draw frames in the textile industry, cement industry, underground mines, automobile industry, etc.
Bending Variation Chart
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